Have a theme you want to share?? Use the form to submit your Alienware Theme below.
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Both files to be submitted in a single .zip file
- Alienware Theme File – .ath file
- A screenshot of the theme as a .jpg (Make it look like the rest of the ones on the site)
If you want to create an HD video of the theme in action, you can upload it to your personal Google Drive account and include the link to download it in the submission below. Once I post your theme, feel free to delete the video from your Google Drive share.
Make sure you include the model of your Alienware so we can make sure to list it for easily identifying which themes are right for you.
I seem to be having issues uploading my .zip file with the screen shot and .ath file. Not sure why its telling me this kind of file is not allowed.
You can email it directly to adam @ alienwarefxthemes.com Just remove the spaces. Thanks!