Portal 2 by Roy Alienware 17 Theme is a blue and yellow theme that matches closely to a skin that looks like the robots in Portal 2.
Roy mentioned: “Recently, I bought a skin for my alienware called glossy white, and I realized that it had a striking similarity to the robots in portal 2, so I went to make a theme on it. What’s unique about this theme is that I somehow glitched my alienfx so that my trackpad can change colors. Unfortunately, I can’t use morph and have color changing trackpad without the colors spazzing out on me.”
*Note: This one was submitted with out specifying the model so I took a best guess at the Alienware 17. If this is wrong please hit me up in the comments or on FaceBook!

Submitted by Ray
Expected Compatible with: Alienware 14 – Please reply if different.
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Alienware 14 is NOT compatible
Yeah, sorry, it’s for alienware 17.
Thanks, Roy!
By the way, do we have confirmation that the trackpad changes color as well?
do you or anyone have any idea why its wouldn’t be compatible on my alien ware 17 just got it like 6 month ago i put the theme in fx and its says it is not compatible help??