White By Foster Alienware 17 Fx Theme: The tron lights and the power button will always appear slightly yellow!
I suggest turning them off or changing them to a different color. I tried everything to make them look white but I found no color that fixes it.
If you find a color that actually appears white please edit this and post the hex code of the color you used as a comment on this profile:
I know the theme looks blue in the AlienFX editor but its so bright that you wont really see it as a blue color. It looks way more white than the normal white color (#FFFFFFFF) which appears to look redish-pink

Submitted by Foster
Expected Compatible with: Alienware 17 – Please reply if different.
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#FFFFFFFF is the closest to white that you will be able to get. I’ve tried multiple color code with in the .ath file and it seems to be the only one that comes even close to being white.
this does not work for aw 18, is there a way? thanks